How to Create Shortcut Key to Paste Special in Excel | VBA Code to Create Shortcut Key to Paste Special in Excel

How to Create Shortcut Key to Paste Special in Excel | VBA Code to Create Shortcut Key to Paste Special in Excel

VBA Code to Create Shortcut Key to Paste Special in Excel:

Sub PasteVal()
    Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues
End Sub

Open Excel Sheet

Press Alt + F11 Key 

Go to the Insert Menu and Click on new Module

in New Module copy and paste the above VBA code and save.

Now Press Alt + F8  and new windows will open which is shown in below figure,

in that windows you will ask to enter a key to create shortcut for Paste Special

Enter a letter in the box. 

How to Create Shortcut Key to Paste Special in Excel | VBA Code to Create Shortcut Key to Paste Special in Excel

How to Create Shortcut Key to Paste Special in Excel | VBA Code to Create Shortcut Key to Paste Special in Excel
