Countif formula in excel | How countif formula works in excel | Countif function

Countif formula in excel | How Countif formula works in excel | Countif function

Countif formula in excel counts the criteria in the data sheet


In Excel Sheet, if Column A and Column B contains repeated data, if we want to count one single name in column we use countif formula which counts only given criteria. (show in Picture)

Countif formula in excel | How countif formula works in excel | Countif function
Countif formula in excel | How countif formula works in excel | Countif function

Here is the formula =countif(range,criteria)

here in the formula range = select from which data sheet you want to find the count of particular name.

in formula criteria = name which you want to find.

In the above picture range = (A:B) columns
                                 criteria = (Month or numbers in the columns)

Countif formula in excel | How countif formula works in excel | Countif function
Countif formula in excel | How countif formula works in excel | Countif function
in the above picture the formula is =COUNTIF(A1:B24,"Jan")

the above formula finds how many times january repeated.

Countif formula in excel | How countif formula works in excel | Countif function
Countif formula in excel | How countif formula works in excel | Countif function

after entering the formula =COUNTIF(A1:B24,"Jan") 

the result is shown as 2. January repeated twice in the data sheet.
